Variety of Garments Combined to Make Six Memorable Bears

Irene Blundell sent us quite a little pile of different garments to have six specific bears made. She wanted two bears with hats and ties from her late husbands garments, two bears from her late mother’s robe and night gown and two bears made from a couple of...

Grandpa’s Neckties Converted Into Treasured Memory Bear

Michele had us make her son’s christening gown this past year and she wanted to give her son a special first birthday gift. She sent us a bunch of her late father’s neck ties to have patchwork bear made. This 20″ bear took 16 neck ties....

Baby’s First-Year Patchwork Teddy Bear for Her Son

Ashley Harnisch sent me twelve pieces of clothing her son wore in his first year of life. She wanted a patchwork Teddy bear made from the clothing. She sent pictures with information about what made each piece significant. This bear includes something from each piece....

Cloth Bears to Remember a Friend

Joyce sent me a terry cloth robe, a pair of sweat pants and a shirt. They all belonged to a good friend who passed away. She wanted bears made for her friend’s wife and two children. The mix of fabrics made for very bright bears.  
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