Wedding Dress Converted to Dramatic Unisex Christening Gown

Molly Anderson sent her wedding dress to have a unisex outfit made for her son and future children. We ended up making it dramatically long. We also made a bonnet, boy’s cap, unisex booties and a couple of kerchiefs with the fabrics from her dress....

Wedding Dress With Lots of Ruffles Converted to Christening Combo

Janet Riddick sent her wedding dress to have outfits made for grandchildren. Her dress had lots and lots of ruffles. We incorporated a layer of ruffles on the christening gown. We also used some of the lovely embroidery work on both the gown and romper. A bib, booties...

Wedding Dress Becomes Lovely Bishop Style Christening Gown

Karen McGill brought her wedding dress to us to have an outfit made for her grandchild. We made a unisex bishop style gown and then added an overlay/robe. Many of the gowns we receive from the 1970s and 1980s have some beautiful surface materials but use a stiff...

Complete Christening Ensemble for a Godson

Julia Frei wanted a complete ensemble for her godson from her wedding dress. We used every bit of fabric we could to get a bishop style gown with a ceremonial robe, a bit, booties, bonnet and bow tie pin. We put pleats down the front of the gown and used the blue...

Embroidery Highlights Christening Gown

Mary Deming sent her wedding dress to have an outfit made for her grandson and future granddaughters. We tried to capture the beautiful cut-out embroidery on both the boy’s and the girl’s piece.    
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